You can understand why so many people are confused when they decide to buy their first digital camera, with so many variations, what do you look for? Finding the best digital camera should really be quite simple with all the consumer reports and comparisons available both online and in written periodicals. Finally you decide upon the latest 10 megapixel model with a huge optical zoom and a feature list as long as you arm. The problem is by the time you actually get to the mall, the model you have set your heart on is no longer the one to own as there is a new better version that you must now have.
Suddenly you are frustrated again as you learn that because you want the best digital camera, it is going to cost you considerably more than you thought. But this dilemma is very short lived because you promised yourself the best digital camera and that is what you are going to have. If you are in the market for a digital camera then you will find some interesting information in this article. Much is made about the number of pixels and the truth is the more you have the better.
Although it is not always the case, a good rule of thumb is the more pixels you have the better the image will be when it is printed. If you are someone that likes to print large photos then the more pixels you have, the larger it can be printed out without distortion. Good quality models are now using large LCD screens around the 2. Many quality digital cameras now have special functions enabled so the image can be edited to a degree on the screen itself without the use of a computer.
A quick tip on this subject involves the batteries which have a tendency to run out quicker if a large LCD screen is fitted and is used constantly; some sound advice is carry spares! A digital camera with an optical zoom facility is the one to try for and a digital zoom only camera should be avoided if you want clear, well defined images. You will find lower price cameras almost never have an optical zoom fitted so it will really be down to your budget. As there are so many types of storage card available you will have to ensure you buy the correct one.
Although there is quite a range of storage cards available it normally boils down to one of four types: the newer XD cards from Olympus and Fuji, the SD, card, Sony's Memory Stick and the old but reliable Compact Flash. Purchasing a large memory card means you can store larger resolution images and many more of them but sometimes the larger capacity cards might not be compatible with your model. Whereas a few years ago a large storage card would be somewhere in the region of 128mb to 256mb, it is not uncommon to use cards with 4 gigabytes or more of storage now. After all is said and done, the best digital camera you choose should match your lifestyle as much as it should your pocket. The best camera you can own is the one that thoroughly enjoy using wherever you are.
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